May 13, 2010

Psychotic Vandals (2007) by Noli Casbadillo

Psychotic Vandals

Attack table 5 group 5,
showing indications of future behavioral turmoil
& problems & if not treated & dealt with accordingly,
the junior devil will strike again,
behind cover & secrecy,
when no one is looking
& laughs out loud (BWA-HAR-HAR).

If you know who did it, 
it's your Christian duty to inform the teacher
to reform the culprit. You will get a reward
for helping stop the vandalistic attack
& counter attack the obscene graffiti
perpetrated by the teenage mutant
who is an advocate from the Dark Empire.

The PSYCHO-TOPAK must seek help 
from the professional psychiatrist
& also needs spiritual enlightenment,
in future he may become the Dark Force.

(Casbadillo, N., 2007)