January 27, 2024

café conundrum

i invited myself in this game
of words between window pane
rivulets, lightly casting screenshows
upon the sidewalk. that lamppost,
i can almost guarantee you, it was
half-blinking before i even started
talking shit to myself into this game,
stirring cold cups, strange pups,
old grumpies i mock. don't stop

for me, please, nothing is necessary.
you shouldn't have to worry. i brought
my own umbrella, and besides, it is
more fun for me to actually fumble
inside homilies than to step outside
and scale with my aching ankles.

i'd sigh but for relief, unknowingly
shaping hollows on this window again,
rushes and clangors filling up an
unleft void 'til that fucking lamppost
snaps me back in just to spite me.

we will not ever know what
it was supposed to be.

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